How To Setup A New MAC - All You Need To Know

By Ashutosh Jha → Last Updated on Friday, January 15, 2021
Apple's latest Mac computers are Apple's newest computers undoubtedly remarkable. With their speed, battery life, and Apple Silicon M1 processor, it is no surprise that Mac Mini, MacBook Pro, and MacBook are currently wanted by many.

If you recently got any of these computers, it is tempting to want to unbox, and start using them right away, but you might actually want to take a few steps back.

Setting up a new Mac is an easy task but there are some tips that will make the process more seamless. These things are exactly what this article is for.

What You Need

Setting up your Mac might take up to an hour or more so make sure to set enough time aside for it. In addition to time, you need your Apple ID login details, Wi-Fi details, and the computer's power cord or charger.

A pen and piece of paper will also come in very handy during the Mac's set up because you have to sign up and create an account.

While a piece of paper is not recommended for storing important things like passwords, it is useful for temporary storage after which it should be destroyed. With this in place, connect the charger to the computer and power it on to get started.

Apple's Setup Assistant

Once your Mac is on, a setup assistant pops up. This assistant helps with selecting your country, connecting the Mac to the internet, and many more.

At this point, you will need to create an account on your new Mac computer. This requires signing into your pre-existing Apple ID.

All through the setup process, the setup assistant will ask if you want to activate services like Find My Mac, File Vault, or iCloud Keychain.

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While FileVault protects information saved on your hard drive from third party access, Cloud Keychain is Apple's inbuilt password manager for all its devices.

As the name implies, Find My Mac will help you track your computer if it ever gets lost or stolen. If you are unsure whether to activate these features, keep in mind that you can always deactivate them if need be

If you are setting up a MacBook, you also have to create a Touch ID, a fingerprint reader that comes with the computer.

The setup process is mostly easy and straightforward as long as you follow the instructions offered by the setup assistant and enter all necessary information.

Restoring From Time Machine Backup

While setting up your new Mac, you will be asked if you would like to restore your computer from a Time Machine backup of another Mac computer. This is possible through the Migration Assistant feature.

If you choose to restore, you need the storage device on which your Time Machine backup is saved. However, if your old Mac computer does not have a Time Machine backup yet, it can still be done.

Follow the instructions of the Migration Assistant tool and select that you want to transfer things from a Time Machine backup. Then select the most recent backup

After this, you have to confirm the things to transfer. This includes home folders, documents, and other important details. The transfer process can last for long, depending on the volume of documents you are transferring.

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One important info to remember is that your new Mac has to be on the same operating system as your old Mac computer for the backup to be successful.

Installing Software Updates

After completing the Setup Assistant and your Mac is ready for use, you should check if your computer has any pending software updates.

To find out, click the Apple icon on the top left corner of your screen. Follow this by selecting System Preferences and clicking Software Update.

You should also check if the preinstalled apps on your Mac are updated in the App Store. Visit the store and confirm if there are any pending updates.

In case your account has been disabled, find out why it was deactivated and fix the error so you can access the App Store for updates.

Now that you have set up your new Mac, it is time to start enjoying all the many amazing features Apple has to offer on their latest products.

It is however best to keep in mind that just like every other gadget, you might run into a few problems with your Mac computer sometimes. Apple can only try, there is really no such thing as perfection.

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Ashutosh Jha

Ashutosh Jha is a professional blogger, Blog and IT Consultant. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Making Money, Internet Marketing and Web Design.
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