Software Testing 101: 7 Tips for Troubleshooting Your Code

By Ashutosh Jha → Last Updated on Thursday, March 14, 2019
Software bugs cost the US economy almost $60 billion every year, according to estimates.

The trouble is, with software becoming more and more complex, the chances of a bug slipping through the cracks will only increase.

All of which means that software testing is more essential than ever. And it is vital that you test your software the right way. 

7 Software Testing Code Troubleshooting Tips

So read on as we look at 7 practical software testing tips to help you to troubleshoot your code.

1. Test to Find Bugs

The most important thing is to start out with the right mindset.

If you're going into software testing expecting your software to sail through with no issues, the chances are very high that you're going to be disappointed. But also if you're not expecting bugs, you might actually end up missing some of them.

Instead, you should approach testing with a mindset of actively seeking bugs. That means that every bug you find will be a job well done, not a disappointment. And it means you are more likely to keep hunting until every bug is found and fixed.

When you reach the point where you really can't find any more bugs no matter how hard you try, then your software is probably ready to go.

2. Do a Functionality Test 

Software testers will put your work through its paces, trying every combination of clicks and inputs they can looking for a flaw.

But before it reaches this stage, it's always worth running a very simple functionality test to make sure that every part of your software works as you would expect. You don't need to try every option or test every aspect. Just go through the front end ensuring that every button does what it is supposed to, and every text box accepts the appropriate amount of text.

The reason for this is that there is little point getting someone to test your software if it's going to fall at the very first hurdle. Make sure everything is in good enough shape. Finding bugs should be a challenge for the testers, not a simple task.

3. Don't Test Your Own Code

It's all too tempting to want to test your own code to a much higher level before passing it on to the testers.

After all, this is your work that they will be scrutinizing and the fewer bugs there are when you pass it on, the better your work will look. But testing your own code at too rigorous a level is not a good idea.

As a developer, you know what you want the software to do. So you may not consider some of the things that a person new to the software would think to try. It's also not an efficient use of your time; testers are being paid to do this work and you are not.

4. Be Highly Organized

The more complex software becomes, the more complex software testing becomes and the more people become involved in the process.

All of which means that if you want your software testing to be efficient, you need to be highly organized. Everyone involved in the process needs to be up to speed on naming conventions, communication protocols, filing structure and the like.

Every member of the team should know where to find the right files, who they need to keep informed, and what the next stages of the project are going to be. And all of this needs to be agreed and put in place from the very outset of the project.

5. Use Detailed Bug Reports

When testing takes place and you find a bug, it needs to be reported properly.

And this means including as much detail as possible. You should log key information such as the environment that was being used, how to reproduce the error, and what the expected behavior should have been.

And keep your target audience in mind when you're writing a bug report. Whilst a few words may make a lot of sense to the rest of your software development team, it might be complete gibberish to someone in management. So make sure you write your bug reports clearly enough that they make sense to everyone attached to the project.

Beware of the danger of writing too much, however. Keep to the pertinent points but don't get bogged down in too much technical detail.

6. Analyze Your Code

A software tester can find bugs by using your software and finding instances of where the software does not behave as expected.

But this is only testing how the software functions, and not how strong or secure the code itself is. There are programs that can analyze your code for any hidden risks and vulnerabilities, which is vitally important as part of your digital transformation.

And this type of software analysis can also pick up any slips in coding standards which would not be picked up by user testing.

7. Don't Forget Single-User Testing

Load testing is an important part of the software testing process.

It determines how well your software will run under real-life load conditions. In other words, how well it will run when it is being accessed by a large number of users at once.

And whilst this is a key part of the testing process, it is all too easy to forget about single-user testing. Your software may run perfectly adequately when put under heavy load. But how does it work when only one person is using it?

If it doesn't run as quickly as you might expect then you'll need to track down the reason.

Want to Know More About Software Testing and Development?

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Ashutosh Jha

Ashutosh Jha is a professional blogger, Blog and IT Consultant. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Making Money, Internet Marketing and Web Design.
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