7 Ways How Virtual Assistants Can Improve Customer Support

By Ashutosh Jha → Last Updated on Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Consumer satisfaction is such an intrinsic part of a company’s success that the customer service industry has exploded. Now, customer service representatives need to handle a veritable storm of irate customers every single day. Needless to say, it becomes a little unfair which is why so many CSRs these days are being given all kinds of virtual support. A virtual assistant is a great way to help CSRs out and improve the overall quality of customer support. Here is how virtual assistants can help.

#1 Helps Customers Get the Problem Across

One of the main problems associated with customer support is that customers are often unable to get the message across. The problems that they are facing are usually technical in nature, problems that they don’t fully understand themselves. Virtual assistants give your customers options that they can choose. This can narrow down the possible problems and can make a CSR better able to give a said customer the type of help they need. This communication gap is a serious issue, and it is one of the main reasons why virtual assistants are becoming so popular these days.

#2 Helps CSRs Improve

A CSR needs to be constantly learning. This is because you can never claim to fully know everything there is to know about customer behavior. There are always surprises. A virtual assistant can constantly collect information about customer behavior which CSRs can look through every so often to make sure that they are doing things right.

#3 Grants Easy Access to Information

CSRs need to be able to call on disparate pieces of information so that they are able to give customers the best experience possible. However, we are human beings after all, and there is a limit to how much information we can retain. Virtual assistants are programs which means that they don’t have the same kinds of limits. If a CSR needs to quickly access information, a virtual assistant can be of enormous help here. They can scan through a database pretty much instantly and pull up relevant information that can then be relayed to the client by the CSR.

#4 Helps With Boring Tasks

Reports and filing data is extremely boring work, but CSRs have to do them because a record of all customer interactions needs to be maintained. This soul-crushing work can impair a CSRs ability to deal with customers, though, because it often seems unnecessary and takes a lot of time. Hence, the fact that a virtual assistant can simply do these things for CSRs is a huge bonus. This can help CSRs focus more on helping customers without having to dread the metaphorical paperwork that will soon follow. This also allows CSRs to be more relaxed on the job, something that is essential for improving the quality of customer support in general.

#5 Helps Record Customer Satisfaction

If you own a business and you want your customer service to improve as much as possible, one thing you will have to do is figure out how well your CSRs are currently satisfying customers. Virtual assistants can help you do that by making noninvasive inquiries after a customer has spoken to a CSR. Once enough information has been collected, you will be able to get a general idea of what your customers are taking away from each call. If you get a high score you have nothing to worry about. If you get a low score you would now know that there is a problem and you would be able to take steps to ensure that it is fixed.

#6 Reduces Training Time

With a virtual assistant, a CSR will be ready to take calls or at least handle live chats fairly quickly. This is very useful because a lot of resources go into training CSRs and making sure that they are able to handle an actual customer contacting them. Virtual assistants act a bit like training wheels. They make the job a little easier, which means CSRs will spend a lot less time using up time and money trying to learn the ropes and more time dealing with customers with problems.

#7 Helps Collect Data

One of the best ways in which you can figure out whether or not customers are happy is by looking at trends in their complaints and concerns. One of the best ways to note trends is to collect data. Virtual assistants are great at helping support ticketing system such as the one offered by Kayako in creating databases that would allow you to better understand what your customers want from you. You can use this information to create products and services that are more likely to satisfy your customer, thus bringing your overall rate of customer complaints to a far lower level than it would have been at otherwise.

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Ashutosh Jha

Ashutosh Jha is a professional blogger, Blog and IT Consultant. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Making Money, Internet Marketing and Web Design.
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